Energy Healer & Spiritual Mentor

How Can Mystique Help You?

My mission is to empower you to break free from stagnation and embrace inspired action to transform your life. I am dedicated to guiding you from merely surviving to blissfully thriving by fostering high-level execution, consistent effort, and unwavering commitment to personal growth.

Through compassionate yet tough love coaching, I aim to light a fire within you to take control of your destiny, achieve your goals, and live a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

My ultimate goal is to create a community of empowered, resilient individuals who are not only thriving in their own lives but are also inspiring others to do the same.

Review all of Mystique's coaching and mentorship programs to become the most energetically healthy version of yourself by clicking below


Reiki Training

Take healing into your own hands by attuning to Reiki energy. Easily remove stress and trauma to restore peace and balance to your mind, body and soul.

Reiki Sessions

Each Zoom session is personally designed to remove energetic blockages, alchemize chronic pain, relax the mind and realease stored emotion.

Energy Readings

Get confirmation and support from your Spiritual Team to help you navigate the ebbs and flows in all areas of life. Choose between Zoom or prerecorded sessions.


Copyright 2023 Mystique Awakening